Dakota County Juror Reporting Information

Jurors must keep in contact with us throughout their term.  You will need to check this website or call the jury message line, (651) 377-7170, whenever you are directed to do so.

This message is for jurors whose term begins on Monday, May 13, 2024.  

In an effort to reduce the number of jurors brought into the Courthouse and the amount of time physically waiting for case assignment, we are only calling in jurors when a case is actually proceeding to jury trial.  In order to accomplish this, jurors must keep in contact with us throughout their two-week term.  Watch for your group number which appears on the top right-hand side of your Summons.  You will either be directed to report in or check the Website at another scheduled time.  

There are no trials scheduled to begin on Monday, May 20. All group numbers should check this website or call the recorded message line on Monday, May 20, after 5 p.m. for a new message regarding trials that may begin on Tuesday May 21.

For more information refer to the State Juror Webpage.