Supreme Court Opinions


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Please visit the Minnesota State Law Library's Appellate Opinions Archive for previously published Supreme Court Opinions.

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FILED Wednesday, July 24, 2024


A22-1706  David Carl Hepfl, Respondent, vs. Jodine Patrice Meadowcroft, Appellant.
                   Court of Appeals.
          The district court did not abuse its discretion in concluding that a property owner would be unjustly enriched if allowed to retain without payment a cabin and associated fixtures and furnishings paid for by the property owner’s former partner during their cohabitating, marriage-like relationship and intended for their shared use and enjoyment.
           Affirmed.  Chief Justice Natalie E. Hudson.
           Dissenting, Justice Margaret H. Chutich, Justice Anne K. McKeig.
           Took no part, Justice Sarah E. Hennesy.

 A23-1780  Kay "KT" Jacobs, Appellant, vs. City of Columbia Heights, et al., Respondents.
                   Court of Appeals.
          The petition to recall a member of a city council failed to allege malfeasance or nonfeasance, the constitutional  prerequisites to recall an elected municipal official, and consequently failed to lawfully trigger a special recall election under Minnesota Statutes section 410.20 (2022).
          Reversed.  Chief Justice Natalie E. Hudson.
          Took no part, Justice Sarah E. Hennesy.

 A23-0007  State of Minnesota, Respondent, vs. Jamal L. Smith, Appellant.
                    Hennepin County.
          1.   Appellant failed to show that the district court judge was biased.
          2.   Appellant failed to show that defense counsel was ineffective because counsel did not move to change venue.
          3.   Appellant’s claim that the grand and petit jury pools did not reflect a fair cross section of the community fails because he did not show that Black persons were underrepresented in the jury pool selection process or that any underrepresentation resulted from systematic exclusion.
          4.   The district court did not abuse its discretion when it admitted evidence of appellant's prior bad acts because the evidence was admissible under the Spreigl exception or as direct or corroborative evidence of a charged crime.
          5.   The only reasonable inference supported by the circumstances proved, when viewed as a whole, is that appellant fired the fatal shot.
          Affirmed.  Justice Margaret H. Chutich.
          Concurring, Justice Paul C. Thissen, Justice Karl C. Procaccini.
          Took no part, Justice Sarah E. Hennesy.

 A22-1057  Fitness International, LLC, Appellant, vs. City Center Ventures, LLC, Respondent.
                    Court of Appeals.
          1.   The doctrine of temporary frustration of purpose delineated in the Restatement (Second) of Contracts § 269 is a justification for nonperformance of a contract that is recognized under Minnesota law in certain circumstances.
          2.   Summary judgment in favor of the landlord was appropriately granted because, even assuming that the doctrine of temporary frustration of purpose may be used as the basis for a breach-of-contract claim and not only as an affirmative defense, the commercial lease tenant’s obligation to perform under the lease agreement was merely suspended during the period of temporary frustration, not discharged.
          Affirmed.  Justice Gordon L. Moore, III.
          Took no part, Justice Karl C. Procaccini, Justice Sarah E. Hennesy.
Opinion SetsAs of June 1, 2023, the Supreme Court no longer provides opinion sets in Word Document format and Rich Text Format. Opinions are available in PDF format under the Opinions tab on this site.

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FILED Tuesday, July 23, 2024

(Petitioner indicated in Italic Type)

(Petitioners Indicated in Italic Type)
(Issues are as Presented in the Petition for Review)
1.         Alex Lancaster vs. Department of Human Services – A24-0561
Issue Granted:  Did the court of appeals err by holding that correction orders issued under Minn. Stat. § 245A.06 are not appealable by certiorari under Minn. Stat. § 606.01?
2.         State of Minnesota vs. Kyaw Be Bee –  A23-1257
Issue Granted:  Did the court of appeals err in finding that the interior of a private motor vehicle on a public road is a “public place” as defined by Minn. Stat. § 624.7181?
3.            Bill Creger vs. City of Cambridge – A23-1017
4.            Charise L. Logan vs. First Transit – A24-0360
5.            Craig Stevenson, et al. vs. Sean Stevenson, et al. – A23-1209
6.            EDF-RE US Development, LLC vs. RES America Construction, Inc. – A23-1264
7.            In re the Marriage of: David Gordon Wingad vs. Janet Marie Wingad , nka Janet Marie Nature – A24-0821
8.            In the Matter of: Brittany Hanson – A23-1969
9.            Janella Scott vs. The Phoenix Residence, Inc., Department of Employment and Economic Development – A23-0939
10.          Jolene Luczak vs. St. Mary’s Medical Center, et al. – A23-1548
11.          Metropolitan Transportation Network, Inc., et al. vs. Collaborative Student Transportation of Minnesota, LLC, et al. – A23-0644
12.          State of Minnesota vs. Bryant Jerome Stephenson – A23-1454
13.          State of Minnesota vs. Elvis Joko Porte – A23-0746
14.          State of Minnesota vs. James Lockhart Lang – A22-0234
15.          State of Minnesota vs. Joseph Mark Halicki – A23-0951
16.          State of Minnesota vs. Kenneth Bernard Lax – A23-1118
17.          State of Minnesota vs. Marcus Allen Reynolds – A23-0597
18.          State of Minnesota vs. Richard Chavez-Aguilar – A23-0714
19.          State of Minnesota vs. Steve Vang – A23-0649
20.          State of Minnesota vs. Travis Clay Andersen – A23-1290
Denied – Filed July 19, 2024
In the Matter of the Welfare of the Child of: R.V.M. and J.R.M., Parents– A23-1806, A23-1807