Referee Jason T. Hutchison

Family Justice Center
Fourth Judicial District
(612) 348-6000

Chambers Phone: (612) 348-9004
Reporter: (612) 596-2870 – for transcript requests only

Fourth Judicial District Judicial Officers

Referee Jason T. Hutchison

In Family Court, Referee Hutchison helps people make the transition from being part of one kind of family to another by: 

  1. Guiding families through a process designed to help them (i) understand; (ii) prioritize; and (iii) reach agreements based on their children’s long-term best interests, and (iv) learn skills to solve future parenting problems on their own – even after their case is “closed.” 
  2. Using a similar process to help parties with financial disputes reach long-lasting agreements based on their negotiated understanding of what is fair and equitable under the circumstances.
  3. Knowing when the parties cannot reach an agreement (or when it is not appropriate to let them do so), and managing each case to reach a timely, well-reasoned, and well-explained decision that the parties can understand and follow.
  4. Always remembering that every hearing, every Order, every e-mail, every face-to-face meeting, and every phone call is an opportunity to educate parties and build trust in our chambers and Hennepin County Family Court.


  • J.D., cum laude, University of Minnesota Law School, 2003
  • B.A., University of Minnesota, Morris, 1996
  • Normandale Community College, 1992 - 1994

Assignment History:

  • Family Court 11/30/16 – Present