District Court Fees

Court users are required to pay fees for filing and for services as set out in Minnesota law.  If you cannot afford to pay a court fee, you can ask to have the fee reduced or waived.  
The Minnesota Base Fees amounts do not include county law library fees. Select your county to see the total fee amounts including any applicable law library fee amount.  Make checks payable to: District Court Administrator

Carver County District Court Fees
Certified copy of any instrument from a civil or criminal proceeding
Total Fee: $14.00
Fee Calculation: Base Fee $14
Authorization: Minn. Stat. § 357.021 , subd. 2(2)
Certified print outs of imaged or electronically filed documents accessible from the Courthouse view of MNCIS
Total Fee: $14.00
Fee Calculation: Base Fee $14
Authorization: Minn. Stat. § 357.021 , subd. 2(2), Court Operations Policy 506(b) 
Certified scan or picture of documents in a court file where court staff has to dismantle the file
Total Fee: $14.00
Fee Calculation: Base Fee $14
Authorization: Minn. Stat. § 357.021 , subd. 2(2), Court Operations Policy 506(b)  
Certified screen prints generated from case management system
Total Fee: $14.00
Authorization: Minn. Stat. § § 357.021, subd. 2(14) Court Operations Policy 506(b)
Copies of reports generated from case management system (provided to requester via email or paper form) - 1 to 50 pages (per report)
Total Fee: $5.00
Authorization: Court Operations Policy 506(b)
Copies of reports generated from case management system (provided to requester via email or paper form) - 50+ pages (per 50 pages or part thereof)
Total Fee: $25.00
Authorization: Court Operations Policy 506(b)
Exemplified and Certified copy of any instrument from a civil or criminal proceeding
Total Fee: $28.00
Fee Calculation: Base Fee $28
Authorization: Minn. Stat. § 357.021, subd. 2(2), Court Operations Policy 506(b) 
Exemplified and Uncertified copy of any instrument from a civil or criminal proceeding
Total Fee: $14.00
Authorization: Minn. Stat. § 357.021, subd. 2(2),  Court Operations Policy 506(b)    
Scanning Fee - $25 fee for each 50 pages, or part thereof of the filing (Effective July 1, 2016)
Total Fee: $25.00
Authorization: Minn. Gen. R. Prac. 14.01(b)(3)
Uncertified copy of any instrument from a civil or criminal proceeding
Total Fee: $0.00
Authorization: Minn. Stat. § 357.021 , subd. 2(2) (2023)
Uncertified print outs of imaged or electronically filed documents accessible from the Courthouse view of MNCIS
Total Fee: $0.00
Authorization: Minn. Stat. § 357.021 , subd. 2(2) (2023), Court Operations Policy 506(b) 
Uncertified scan or picture of documents in a court file where court staff has to dismantle the file
Total Fee: $0.00
Authorization: Minn. Stat. § 357.021 , subd. 2(2) (2023), Court Operations Policy 506(b) 
Uncertified screen prints generated from case management system
Total Fee: $0.00
Authorization: Minn. Stat. § 357.021 , subd. 2(14), Court Operations Policy 506(b)